Helpful Resources

bookshelfKarel&Company is more than a retained search firm to help you find the best executives for your company. We are an ongoing resource for our clients, helping them better identify and address their executive staffing needs over the long-term. Below are several resources we have made available because we believe they will be helpful to you.

Selecting a Search Firm

Your greatest and most valuable assets are your people. This brief article provides valuable information to help you select an executive search firm that will be able to enhance the value of those assets rather than simply filling open positions. It will help you make a better, and a more educated decision about the Executive Search process, and why you should hire Karel & Company.

Starting the Search Process

When starting a new executive search, it is valuable to know exactly what you are searching for and how you would like to conduct the search. The questions and information in this list will enable us to help you find the best candidate for your company.